Third Consecutive Day of Record-Breaking Heat

 Unofficial figures indicate that the global average temperature has increased for the third time in a week.

According to data assessed by a team of US experts, Thursday's worldwide average temperature was 17.23C.

It tops the previous record of 17.01C established on Monday, which was beaten the following day when the average temperature reached 17.18C.

According to scientists, the rise in temperatures is being caused by both naturally occurring El Nino weather patterns and human-induced climate change.

The most potent change in the climate anyplace on Earth is caused by the El Nino Southern Oscillation, or ENSO. Every three to seven years, it goes through a warming phase during which warmer waters from the tropical Pacific rise to the surface and release heat into the atmosphere.

This week is the first time since August 2016 that the record has been broken.

Experts caution that many cultures still need to adjust to the effects of more intense heat on both people and the environment.

Climate Reanalyzer is the source of the temperature readings. To determine the average world temperature, researchers at the University of Maine combine readings from surface, air balloon, and satellite observations with computer modelling.

Although the readings are not official government records, they are closely monitored as a gauge of temperature changes.

According to the Associated Press, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the US weather agency, stated on Thursday that it was unable to corroborate records that were partially based on computer models.

Scientists caution that this summer will likely see more heat records broken because it is unusually hot.

Heatwaves and wildfires are anticipated to become hotter and more severe as a result of rising global temperatures, he noted.

According to the EU's climate monitoring organisation Copernicus, last month was the hottest June on record.

Environment groups warned that "unprecedented" fish deaths occurred in the UK in June due to record-high temperatures, and that the wilting of the plants insects depend on could harm their ability to survive.

According to a UK Met Office analysis, the likelihood of a hot June has increased more than double.

The world is still experiencing intense heat, with regions of China seeing temperatures below 40 degrees and North Africa experiencing temperatures close to 50 degrees.

This summer, Southern Europe may see more than 60 days with hazardous circumstances for people, the European Environment Agency said in June.

Additionally, crops are impacted by above-average temperatures, and wildfire risk is increased.

Recent weeks have also seen a rise in water temperature, with a maritime heatwave across the UK and Ireland.

Additionally, the extent of Antarctic sea ice fell to its lowest level for June since satellite measurements began, 17% below average.

Governments all over the world have made a commitment to lowering their carbon emissions until they achieve net zero, or the day when greenhouse gas emissions from humans will halt.

Only once the world reaches net zero, Dr. Ceppi claims, will global temperatures begin to roughly stabilise.

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