How to Use TED Talks to Promote Your Brand

TED Talks is one of the easiest ways to promote your brand. With just a few tips, you can ensure that you do it in a hassle-free and stress-free manner. Here are the top tips on how to use TED Talks to promote your brand.

Promote the Talks Quickly

The first tip is to ensure that your TEDx community shares the ideas worth spreading by promoting the talks you have uploaded to YouTube.

Optimize the Views

You can optimize the views by creating creative headlines, using wit smartly, keeping the sentences short, and writing detailed descriptions.

Focus on the First Sentences

The first sentence should hook the viewers. It could be a statistic, a fact, or even a question. It should intrigue the people and make them want to check out the entire video. The more interesting it is, the better would be the performance of your video.

Create a Nice Bio

Below the talk description, you can include a short 4-7 sentence biography of the speaker. Tell people why they should trust the speaker.

Get Personal

Ask everyone in your personal network to share their opinion on the TED Talk. Request them to share their views and like, tweet, or retweet the content. Remember not to ask people to promote every TED Talk, just the special ones.

Use Professionals

Write to professionals like online influencers or bloggers to look at the videos and ask them to cover them if they want.

Post Videos

Post videos on content-sharing platforms like

Seek Help

Email other fans and supporters to share your talk

Timing Matters

Mostly, people prefer to watch TED Talks at work during lunch hours or in the evenings. They don't spend their weekends watching TED Talks. Remember to time your promotion accordingly. Release the talks on Mondays and Tuesdays at a time when the probability of checking out the talk is high. If the TedTalk is related to any event or a holiday, the release should be timed accordingly.

Try to Flip the Videos

The TED-Ed platform allows you to flip your talks. It means that you can take any video and contextualize it with additional resources, questions, and discussions. Using this feature is not exceedingly difficult, and it's a creative method that allows you not just to talk about the video. You can request other speakers to collaborate with you and promote videos in this context.

This tool is highly preferred by teachers in the community. So, whenever you build a lesson, you should send it to all the educators in your circle.

Final Words

Using the tactics above to create enjoyable content and promote it will help you promote yourself or your business brand. Always shoot for more views to get the audience's attention and keep them hooked with interesting content at regular intervals.

If you have not made a TedTalk video yet, then here are 10 tips for speaking like a Ted Talk Pro

Also, here are a few tips on how to write a TED Talk

by Shruti , BNS Business News




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