How to Build Interest in Your Service Through Instagram Live

Are you looking for ways to boost social media engagement? Do you want more followers and likes? If so, you need to know about Instagram Live. It's a popular feature on Instagram that allows you to live-stream your videos to your followers via your Instagram stories. It can help you connect with your users, build engagement, share news and establish a brand.

Data says that 8-% of audiences would rather watch a live stream than read a blog post, 82% would prefer it over social media posts, and 67% who watched a live stream purchased a ticket to a similar event when it happened again. Sounds good? Read on for some tips on how to build interest in your service through Instagram live.

How to Go Live on Instagram?

To go live, you should follow these steps:

Ø  Sign in to your account from a mobile device.

Ø  Click on the Plus icon present on the homepage to begin the stream.

Ø  Swipe until you get to the Instagram Live screen.

Ø  Tap on the recording icon and wait.

Ø  After checking your phone's internet connection, Instagram will start the broadcast.

Ø  That's it. You can get started!

Ø  You can see the number of viewers on the top of the screen and instantly see all the viewers' comments.

Ø  At the bottom and on the top right of your screen, you can see different features you can use in your live video.

How to Build Interest in Your Service with Instagram Live?

To build interest in your service with Instagram Live, you need to consider the following tips.

Ø  Set SMART Goals

SMART goals mean goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. So, the goal should be measurable, like getting 25% more viewers the next time you go live. It should also be measurable, like getting ten new followers every week. The goal should also be attainable and realistic, not too tough like getting 1,000 followers in a week. Similarly, attainability means that you should make the goals attainable. You can't expect everyone who sees the Live session to try your service as that's not attainable. The goals you set should also have a time limit or a deadline, like increasing followers in a month. It will work as a motivation.

Ø  Plan a Video Map

If you plan an Instagram Live session to promote your service, you should do it the right way. Plan a video map that tells you which sections to cover and how. Usually, the first section of the video should discuss the service or services you offer in detail. Then you should explain how you deliver a service and what the commitment will be from your end. After that, you tell about the benefits of choosing your service or services. Then you need to explain why you are better than the competition and what results the clients can expect. Show some client testimonials to gain trust.

Ø  Keep Them Engaged

Many people drop out of Instagram Live sessions if they don't find them interesting. To avoid that, you need to keep them engaged and build a relationship with the audience. Answer their questions, ask your questions to know them better, and use attractive audio and visuals to keep them entertained throughout the session.

Need more? Here's how to share the Live session after it has ended.

Also, here’s how to view insights on your Instagram Live Videos.

by Shruti , BNS Business News



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