The Best Room Temperature for Productivity

Finding the ideal room temperature for productivity is important. If you keep the temperature too high, half of your employees might not be able to work as they will be too busy sweating. If you keep it too low, the employees might start shivering, and it might impact their work. So, you need to find the best room temperature for productivity. This article might help.

Study on Best Room Temperature for Productivity

A study was conducted recently that focused on the effects of temperature on the performance of people who do office work. It was done by using data from different studies that focused on indicators of performance that are likely to be relevant in office type work, such as simple calculations, text processing, length of customer service time on the telephone, and total handling time per customer.

The results revealed that the performance of employees increases when the temperature is up to 21-22 °C, and it also decreases with the temperature above 23-24 °C. As per data, the highest productivity is at a temperature of around 22 °C.

The Changes

According to previous guidelines, experts recommended working in air-conditioned office environments where the temperatures were between 70 and 73 degrees Fahrenheit. Unfortunately, this number was decided after studying workplaces with male employees.

Recent research has shown that women feel colder quickly as they have a lower metabolic rate than men. So, the average temperature at the office should be 71.5 degrees Fahrenheit, but you should adjust it based on gender distribution and age of the office. Older employees feel cold faster than younger employees.

If your office has an outdoor environment, you need to ensure that employees always have access to shade, cool water, and protective clothing during the summer months, or it might reduce their productivity.

In areas with colder weather, the management should offer access to warn clothing and maintain a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit at least.

Key Factors that Affect Temperature Perception

Several key factors affect the temperature perception of employees. It would help if you kept them in mind too.


The body mass index or BMI of your employees affects how they react to temperature. People who weigh more generally feel warmer quickly than people who have an ideal weight or are underweight. People who have lower-than-average BMI might get cold easier.


People over 55 feel colder easily, so they need a slightly warmer office temperature to ensure their productivity levels are up.


High humidity levels also affect how people perceive temperature. High levels of humidity can affect an employee’s ability to sweat and might lead to heat exhaustion. So, you need to ensure that you maintain the relative humidity level of 40 percent. Too low humidity is also a concern as it can make the air feel colder than it is. It can also lead to dryness in the skin, nasal passages, or throat.

Need more? Read useful tips to boost employee productivity and skyrocket performance.















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