Which Career Types Are Likely To Be Soulmates?

We all know that job choices impact our personal lives. The number of hours you spend in a job, the money you make, and the dining table talk all these factors impact your job. But did you ever stop and think that your job might impact who you marry? No? Well, you better rethink. 

According to an analysis of US Census data, your career can help decide who your soul mate would be. The analysis of about 3.5 million households has revealed which career types are likely to be soul mates. Here is the list of some common professions/occupations and where their spouses are likely to come from.

1.       Financial Analysts

Female financial analysts will likely marry male financial managers, while male financial analysts will likely marry female teachers.

2.       Gaming Managers

Male game managers will likely marry female accountants, while female gaming managers will marry male gaming service workers.

3.       Physicians and Surgeons

Male physicians and surgeons are likely to marry female physicians and surgeons, while female physicians and surgeons are likely to marry male physicians and surgeons.

4.       Lawyers and Judges

Male lawyers are likely to marry female lawyers or judges, while female lawyers are also likely to marry male judges and lawyers.

5.       Elementary-and Middle School Teachers

Male elementary school teachers are likely to marry female elementary school or middle school, teachers. In contrast, female elementary-school teachers are likely to marry male elementary- and middle-school teachers as well.

6.       Editors

Male editors are likely to marry female elementary or middle school teachers, while female editors are likely to marry general managers.

7.       Customer Service Representatives

Male customer service reps are likely to marry female customer service reps, while female customer service reps are likely to marry male truck drivers.

8.       CEOs

Male CEOs are likely to marry female elementary or middle school teachers, while female CEOs are likely to marry male CEOs.

9.       Secretaries and Administrative Assistants

Male administrative assistants and secretaries are likely to marry female office and administrative support supervisors, while female administrative assistants and secretaries are likely to marry general managers.

10.    Software Developers

Male software developers are likely to marry female software developers. Similarly, female software developers are likely to marry male software developers.

The 10 Professions That Marry Each Other The Most

Many people prefer to find their soulmates who belong to their own profession. The top 10 professionals that marry each other the most are

·       Postsecondary Teachers

·       Elementary and Middle School Teachers

·       Lawyers, Judges, Magistrates, and Other Judicial Workers

·       First-Line Supervisors Of Retail Sales Workers

·       Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers

·       Software Developers

·       Physicians

·       Food Service Managers

·       Other Agricultural Workers

·       Janitors And Building Cleaners

What It Tells Us?

All in all, it can be said that several career types are more likely to be each other's soulmates. The list includes everyone from physicians to janitors and software developers to teachers.

Read more about office romances here.

Also, have a look at how dating a colleague has changed by reading this article.





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