Winning Business Pitch by Gr5/6 Finalist From Mensa Canada, Brendan Alilovic | BNS News | Winner Magazine

The numbers sure added up in every sense, as Brendan Alilovic of Mensa Canada's Gifted Youth Group shared his math teaching business idea with judges.  More than simply appealing to number sense, in this recent CSR National Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge, Brendan, just in grade 6, captivated the hearts of judges with professor-like demonstrations of his proposed math lessons.  Brimming with an infectious enthusiasm for sharing an understanding of the world of mathematics, Brendan succeeded in earning the Judge's Choice Award for the Gr 5/6 Division Finals.  Watch the video, below, to see Brendan's full presentation and comments from impressed guest judges, Raj Dhanjal (founder of Farang Martial Arts),  Jennifer Donovan (founder of J. Donovan Law Group), and Bradley Jacobson (founder of UltraVac):

Brendan's Winning Business Pitch


We offer a hearty congratulations to Brendan for winning the Gr 5/6 Division Judge's Choice Award in the CSR National Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge; we also commend the Gifted Youth Group for facilitating participation in this challenge and promoting an early introduction to entrepreneurial skills.  

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